Sunday, January 30, 2011

A brief introduction

Before breaking the ice, i must reveal a few things which were laying inside me and Of course took a long time to come out. One might stand oneself beside the embroilment and might be fascinated going through my words. Well ! let me start from the beginning. My parents gave me life, and knowledge i acquired from many different sources. I met people... i read books... i traveled city after city... and there i always found myself under the influences of my parents` ideas about life and soon i started reading books of different hue. I really want to thank to those good writers who made me a good reader.
                      It is always hard to say a few names because learning is a slow process. I might have read a book today but its real meaning might have taken years to know and within this span of time , i must have gone through several words and sentences which would have made an impact over me. I really appreciate those writers` works which made the ground of understanding.
             Wait for me i will be back soon with a few tickling works.   

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